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HDNA Term 4 (Spring) 2024 Night Competition

Registrations to participate in the HDNA Term 4 (Spring) 2024 Night Competition will be open from Monday, 29 July 2024.  Team Managers should register their team first.  There is a team fee of $300.00 which is payable at the time of the team registration.  Managers will then receive a participant link to forward to their team to complete the player registration.  

The competition will commence on Tuesday, 1 October 2024 and run for 10 weeks.  Grand Finals will be played on Tuesday, 10 December 2024.  The games could be played from 6.00pm onwards, with possibly three timeslots, pending the number of team registrations.

Mixed teams can apply this voucher code when paying for team registration - 61486233 -  for the mixed team fee discount.

PLEASE ENSURE YOU READ the Term 4 (Spring) 2024 Information Sheet for further details and information - click on the button below.

Any general night comp queries, please email Sophie at

Night Competition

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